Iramoo relocation

Wyndham Civic Centre. Photo by Damjan Janevski. 255196_02

Wyndham Vale’s Iramoo Community Centre has been temporarily relocated due to ongoing maintenance works.

Beginning today, all Iramoo’s services will operate out of Lollypop Creek Community Centre in Shipwright’s Parade, Werribee.

Essential maintenance works air conditioning and heating units at Iramoo have forced the relocation which is expected to last until September 20.

Wyndham deputy mayor Josh Gilligan said the relocation would ensure uninterrupted access and service for all community groups, events, meetings and activities normally provided at Iramoo.

“We believe these maintenance works are essential for providing a better

environment for our community into the future,” he said.

“We understand the importance of these services to the community, and this

relocation ensures that programs and activities can continue without interruption.”

All events, meetings and bookings are scheduled to return to Iramoo Community

Centre in Honour Avenue, Wyndham Vale, by late September.