Keep kids safe

(Unsplash/Suad Kamardeen)

Kidsafe Victoria has called on families, including those in Wyndham, to take action to reduce the risk of burn and scald injuries for children this winter, as part of their National Burns Awareness Month campaign.

New data from the Burns Registry of Australia and New Zealand (BRANZ) reveals that burns and scalds remain a significant cause of injury for children, with 735 children under 16 years of age admitted to burns units across Australia and New Zealand in 2022/23.

The home is the most common location where childhood burn injuries occur, accounting for 76 per cent of all incidents.

Jason Chambers, General Manger of Kidsafe Victoria, highlighted the importance of families taking steps to prevent burns and scalds, especially during winter which is a time of increased risk.

“Burns and scalds commonly occur when children are near someone who is preparing hot foods or drinks,” he said.

“As the cold winter weather sets in and families look for ways to keep warm, it’s important that parents and carers take steps to prevent burns and scalds.

“Along with active adult supervision, this can include keeping children out of the kitchen – especially when food and drinks are being prepared – and placing hot food and drinks out of reach.”

Kidsafe Victoria is also raising awareness of some of the lesser-known causes of burns and scalds, including backyard fire pits and pizza ovens, which have increased in popularity.

“Open flames and heating elements such as gas and electric stove elements, matches, fireplaces, BBQs, fire pits, candles, and incense can cause fires and burns. To help keep kids safe, always supervise open flames and other heat sources, and keep children away from them”, said Mr Chambers.

As part of their National Burns Awareness Campaign, Kidsafe Victoria emphasised the importance of using the Remove, Cool, Cover and Seek method for treating burns and scalds:

Remove – remove the child from danger. Remove any clothing, jewellery, or nappies from the burn area unless stuck to the skin.

Cool – place the burn under cool running water for twenty minutes. Never place ice, oil, or butter on the burn as these can make it worse.

Cover – cover the burn with a clean dressing.

Seek – seek medical attention if the burn or scald is on the face, hands, lap, or feet, is bigger than a 20-cent piece, or is blistered.

For more information about National Burns Awareness Month and resources on burns prevention and first aid for children, please visit

Parents and carers can book into one of Kidsafe and Emergcare’s first aid courses by visiting