Diwali lights up Tarniet

One of the performers at the Diwali celebration at Alamora estate in Tarneit. (supplied)

Blazing firesticks and fireballs, a brilliant kaleidoscope of flashing colour and dance,

and heaving drumbeats were highlights of a mass Diwali celebration at Tarneit’s

Alamora estate over the weekend.

Some 800 people turned out for the Festival of Lights revelry in a melting pot of

community, culture and tradition.

Other features included Bollywood and belly dancers, henna artists, silk scarf

acrobats, workshops, stalls with traditional clothing, food and candles, and giant

illuminated ladybug stilt artists.

Organised by Alamora developer Villawood Properties, the festival was staged

around a circus marquee at its new Feronia Avenue Park.

Estate manager Sree Datti said the celebration was thoroughly enjoyed by all, with

numerous overseas visitors delighted to discover such a vibrant traditional event.