Parrot and pooch find puppy love in Point Cook | Photos

Is this Point Cook’s oddest couple? When eclectus parrot Noisy was brought into Point Cook’s Direct Vet Services last month as an injured hatchling, vet Karen Davies never imagined the practice’s resident bulldog, Clover, would adopt her as one of her own.

Sensing eight-week-old Noisy was very ill and depressed about the abscesses that were all over her body, Clover decided to provide her with a mother’s love.

Clover has tried to feed Noisy and is even known to lick her clean after she has eaten, as she would one of her own puppies.

“In 23 years working as a veterinarian, I have seen some odd friendships,” Dr Davies says.

“None of us expected Clover to start producing milk and lay down in front of Noisy and try to breastfeed her.

“Dogs have come into milk to rear other puppies, sometimes kittens, but this is the first dog I have had that has tried to feed a baby parrot.”