Grants up for grabs

Wyndham Civic Centre. Photo by Damjan Janevski. 255196_02

Funding packages of up to $40,000 are now available after Wyndham council opened the latest round of its Large Community Grants program on Tuesday September 5 .

The grants are open to incorporated groups and not-for-profits in Wyndham and those that increase community participation and enhance liveability, health and the environment are encouraged to apply.

Wyndham mayor Susan McIntyre said the grants would help create a stronger and more connected community.

“We value increased opportunities for residents to live their best lives, support those

who are feeling challenged and encourage those to broaden their community

involvement,” Cr McIntyre said.

“There is a lot of great work being undertaken already and we look forward to seeing

our community strengthened.

The grants can be used to support initiatives that improve community life, health, wellbeing and the environment in addition to cultural events and activities.”

Applicants are expected to align with the objectives of key council strategies and plans including the Wyndham 2040 Community Vision, Council Plan, Municipal Public Health, and Wellbeing Plan.

Applications close on October 6 and prospective applicants are invited to an information session on Monday, September 18.

For further information visit: