Magpie swoops top spot

The magpie was voted as Australia's Favourite animal sound (Unsplash).

The magpie’s warbling has won over the nation, taking out number one in ABC’s search for Australia’s favourite animal sound.

The call of the magpie was a clear winner, attracting a staggering 36 per cent of votes in the final round.

University of the Sunshine Coast animal ecology senior lecturer and behavioural ecologist Dr Dominique Potvin said the magpie’s warble is part of almost every soundscape in Australia.

“Its song has regional dialects, developed through learning from older generations. So it’s an ancient song, but it keeps evolving,” Dr Potvin said.

“Magpies come together to sing these melodies in a duet or chorus by family groups, letting others know the territory they occupy.”

The kookaburra’s ‘laugh’ landed in second place, followed by the melodic and maniacal call of the butcherbird, voted in third.

“Like the magpie, kookaburras come together, all calling at once in what can become an overwhelming cacophony, just to establish and maintain the borders of their territory,” Dr Potvin said.

“There really is no other bird sound like it in the world, and it comes from a generally very quiet bird group – the kingfishers – making it a very special call in many ways.

“It’s sad to know that kookaburras are declining in some areas. So we are losing this sound in many places due to development and habitat loss.”

The only two non-birds in top 10 were the banjo frog at 7th place and the cicada at 10th.

University of Melbourne associate professor Jen Martin said for many of us particular animal sounds remind us of special places, people or experiences.

“For me, the fabulous call of the pobblebonk or banjo frog takes me back to happy childhood memories with my dad,” Ms Martin said.

“So I’m thrilled my favourite ‘under-frog’ of the competition made it into the top 10.

“This poll has been a great reminder that wherever you live in Australia, there are wonderful calls around you – we just need to take a moment to stop, listen and enjoy.”

The poll opened on July 31, attracting over 150,000 votes in total. To hear the winning sounds, visit