Mambourin picnic celebrates new school masterplan

Principal Fiona McAuliffe with mum Chakshu Prabhakar and children at Mambourin campus picnic. (supplied).

Good News Lutheran College revealed the masterplan of their new Mambourin campus at a picnic on May 27.

Almost 300 people attended the picnic at Club Mambourin, not far from where the new campus will open in 2025.

Future and prospective families were in attendance, as well as existing Mambourin campus families whose children currently attend the Tarneit campus and who created a time capsule to be opened alongside the new school.

A handprint canvas that will be hung onsite was also created, while face painting, drawing and maths and science activities were also on offer.

Good News Lutheran principal Fiona McAuliffe said it was a day the children will remember fondly.

“These pioneering students are part of history in the making and it was a delightful afternoon together,” Ms McAuliffe said.

The Mambourin campus will officially open in 2025 and offer classes from prep to year six.

Construction will begin early next year.

Cade Lucas