Youth Resource Centre upgrade on the cards

Wyndham Civic Centre. Photo by Damjan Janevski. 255196_03

Wyndham’s Youth Resource Centre will be temporarily closing for six weeks from June 13 to end of July for refurbishment works.

All program and activities at the Youth Resource Centre will be relocated to other sites for the duration of the works as there will be no physical access to YRC during this time, council said.

Council will partner with the state government to jointly contribute to funding the refurbishment of the Youth Resource Centre, with council contributing $143,000 and the government providing $150,000.

The project will involved refreshing the centre’s quiet room, multipurpose room, consulting room, the foyer, upgrading the kitchens to commercial facilities, the flooring, improved lighting and new furniture inspired by indigenous artwork.

“When completed the Youth Resource Centre will be fabulous for Wyndham’s young people with a refreshed and revitalised centre providing greater access to the Youth Hub,” mayor Susan McIntyre.

“Wyndham’s Youth Resource Centre plays an important role in Wyndham, and we are pleased young people will have access to updated and modern fit-for-purpose facilities.”

Details: or 8733-1355.