Wyndham tobacco retailers pass the test.

Cade Lucas

Wyndham’s tobacco retailers are less likely to sell cigarettes to underage customers than ever before according to recent purchase test results.

Testing of Wyndham tobacco retailers throughout April found only one out of 27 sold cigarettes to undercover minors.

The retailers were chosen at random and the tests conducted by underage test purchase assistants who were not allowed to lie about their age or use fake identification.

The testing assistants were employed by Wyndham council and mayor Susan McIntyre welcomed the results.

“This is a notable decline in sales rates compared to previous test days undertaken by our environmental health officers in previous years,” Cr McIntyre said.

Despite the strong result, she demanded retailers retain high levels of compliance and best practice when selling tobacco products.

“It’s important that when it comes to something as serious as selling tobacco or e-cigarettes to a minor, that Wyndham businesses are on the same page in protecting the health of our community,” she said.

“This is a reminder to all Wyndham businesses to inform their staff of the importance of asking for ID when selling tobacco.”

Retailers caught selling cigarettes to customers under-18 can be prosecuted, fined more than $11,000 and have their license to sell tobacco revoked.