The Hillier View: The good, the bad of spring carnival

There’s nothing like a day at the races during the spring carnival to better highlight all that’s good and bad in fashion and human behaviour. As far as fashion is concerned, I’m certainly not an expert and I’m more likely to be found in a tracksuit rather than a dinner suit. Some dress to shock, some to be trendy and some obviously dress in the dark. There are no rules as long as you adhere to the dress standards of the host club and some of those need to be brought up to 2014 standards. You can, literally, have a live ferret on your head as long as you have a coat and tie on, judging from what I’ve seen the past few weekends.

For blokes it is relatively easy; a suit is a suit is a suit. Except when you go to the races, because then it becomes the foundation, or the slab, on which you build your fashion statement. That is done via shoes, hats, jewellery and hair.

My SEN colleague, Kevin Bartlett, was famous for his comb-over, but at Moonee Valley last Saturday even he was gobsmacked when a man sporting what could only be described as a “reverse Bartlett”, stood in front of us during the broadcast. While the women look fantastic and add so much color to the carnival, I think one rule that needs to be introduced is a drink limit to match the height of high heels. The higher the heel, the lower the volume of alcohol that is to be consumed. The sight of dozens of barefoot women weaving their way through the carpark after the last is not good, and it’s even worse for the ones who keep their shoes on. I’m sure some people get out of control, but I’m yet to see it at the races like you do at the footy. Racing crowds love the races, but there’s not the same intensity and passion, even though they are probably losing money.

Racing may not be everyone’s cup of tea or glass of champers, but it’s fun and becoming more accessible to everyone. The sight of a group of owners enjoying that moment of victory is special and when you’re one of those owners it’s exhilarating. I can’t compare it to a grand final win as my Bulldogs have not won one in my lifetime. Your thoughts are welcome.

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