Performance to honour grandmother

Joshua Ladgrove will perform at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival. (Bec Petraitis)

One minute Joshua Ladgrove was a multi-award-winning performer, the next, he was caring for his 97-year-old Ukranian Grandmother he calls ‘Baba’.

Raised in Wyndham, Mr Ladgrove will perform at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival (MICF).

His performance Baba, will featuring stories from when he cared for his grandmother between February 2020 to August 2022.

Described as a funny, moving and occasionally accurate show about life, death, family and probably some other things, Mr Ladgrove became his baba’s carer during the COVID-19 lockdowns, when the MICF was cancelled.

“I was effectively in complete isolation with her for the better part of the last [two and a half] years until her death,” he said.

“After delivering the eulogy at baba’s funeral, it dawned on me that there’s so much I wanted to say about her extraordinary life, from being a forced worker in Germany during WW2, to making a new life in Australia, to becoming a great-grandmother’.

Josh has performed regularly as a crowd favourite at the Sydney Comedy Store, Melbourne Fringe, Melbourne Comedy Festival and Edinburgh Fringe.

‘Baba’ is a co-creation between Joshua and winner Jason Marion.

Mr Ladgrove will perform at the Melbourne Town Hall’s Backstage Room from March 30 until April 23 at 9pm.
