Council seeks feedback for bike park

(Josh Nuttall/Unsplash)

Wyndham council is seeking community feedback on proposed inclusions to make council reserve on Corporate Drive in Point Cook an enjoyable spot.

The bike park will provide facilities for cyclists and pedestrians and is expected to include new picnic seating, a bike repair station and new bike racks, a drinking fountain and additional tree planting.

Mayor Cr Peter Maynard welcomes the new bike park as it progresses the ambitions of the Wyndham Coastal and Marine Management Plan.

“The Wyndham Coastal and Marine Management Plan has allowed council to strategically plan and invest in improvement works along our coastline, to leave a lasting legacy for future generations,” he said.

“It provides direction on improvements that give our residents and visitors more

opportunities to get active and enjoy our wonderful coast.

“We’re dedicated to building infrastructure that encourages sustainable transport, not only is it good for the health of our community – inspiring positive wellbeing – it is good for the health of our environment.”

Feedback closes December 7 and will be used to finalise the plans for the bike park, with council expecting construction to take place early 2023.
