Creating connections between school and work opportunities

Victorian school students will soon have additional support to secure work placements and on-the job training, thanks to the state government’s School to Work program.

Announced on Wednesday, October 26, the program will involve a partnership between the state government and 31 Local Learning and Employment Networks [LLENs] to help secondary students gain work placements in their local area, including in Maribyrnong and Hobsons Bay.

Under the program, schools will be supported to match the right student with the right opportunity, including school-based apprenticeships and traineeships, and engage with businesses to better prepare students for successful transitions into the workforce.

Education Minister Natalie Hutchins said the program will help secondary students on the pathway towards successful future careers.

“We want every student to get the skills they need and hands-on experience for the jobs they want – regardless of what school they go to, their background, abilities or differences,” she said.