Council supports EveryAge campaign

Wyndham Civic Centre. Photo by Damjan Janevski. 255196_03

Wyndham council has reaffirmed their support for national EveryAge Counts campaign, that seeks to end ageism.

As part of the campaign, council affirms the importance of creating a community where every person is valued, connected and respected regardless of age.

Councillors took the pledge to stand for a world without ageism where all people of all ages are valued and respected and their contributions are acknowledged, to commit to speaking out and taking action to ensure older people can participate on equal terms with others in all aspects of life.

Wyndham council’s welcoming city portfolio holder, Cr Jennie Barrera, said this important campaign recognises that ageism can negatively impact a person’s life and limit their participation in community life.

“When someone is judged negatively for being an older person, it can affect their job prospects, confidence, health, quality of life and control over their life decisions,” she said.

Wyndham mayor Peter Maynard, said the city’s population of people aged 65 years and over is forecast to grow by 260 per cent.

“That means in 2041 we’re expecting more than 62,000 people to be aged over 65,” he said.

“This growth and the national aged care reforms – aimed to help people remain in their homes longer – means its key that council helps older people to make informed choices about living their best life.”
