Funding announced for Neighbourhood Houses

(Hannah Busing/Unsplash)

About 400 Neighbourhood Houses across the state will receive a share of $19 million in additional funding over three years, the state government has announced.

Neighbourhood Houses provide a safe and inclusive space for many community members, such as those in Wyndham, to participate in recreational activities.

The hubs also provide childcare, employment, education, training and opportunities to volunteer in local communities.

“We are proud to continue to support Neighbourhood Houses, enabling them to play a vital role in successfully building vibrant Victorian communities,” disability, ageing and carers minister Colin Brooks said.

“The powerful role of Neighbourhood Houses has never been more evident than the way the sector stepped up to provide assistance to Victorians through the pandemic.”

The state government said Neighbourhood Houses have been particularly important during the pandemic, with many distributing personal protective equipment, providing advice and acting as testing or vaccination sites.