My Place: Asif

Mr Hussain at Davis Creek, one of his favourite places in Wyndham. (Damjan Janevski) 294233_01

Asif Hussain moved to Wyndham seven years ago and has since founded two businesses, volunteered his time to multiple organisations and found inspiration in the diverse nature the municipality has to offer, he tells Fatima Halloum.

What’s your connection to Wyndham?

I live and work in Wyndham. I made Wyndham my home in 2015, when my wife and I bought a property here and relocated our family from Brimbank. Since then, the rest of my family (daughter and in-laws) have also moved to Tarneit and built their lives around us. I also established and run three of my practices in Wyndham, specifically the following, as an accountant, I run an accounting and bookkeeping practice called AMH Accounting Experts, as a photographer, I run a photography business called AMH Clicks and Captures and

I have recently started a co-working space supporting the development of the small business and social enterprise sector in Wyndham called WYN Hub.

I also spend a lot of my volunteer efforts in Wyndham, currently sitting as a board member for NatureWest, Werribee Table Tennis Club, Building Cultural Connections Australia as a treasurer and photographer, and supporting the local Virgin Mary Mosque committee as a volunteer.

What do you like about where you live?

Beautiful landscapes and nature, amazing community, everything around the corner, work close to home and to fulfil my spiritual needs mosques are also very close to home. I love to play table tennis and I don’t have to go out of Wyndham to enjoy my passion as Eagle Stadium is only a 10 minute drive from Tarneit.

What, if anything, would you change about where you live?

Infrastructure and Representation – I think we need to develop the infrastructure around Wyndham to accommodate the growing community and needs. While I don’t personally travel often to the city, I know members of my family like to and the public transport (or lack of) is always a challenge. I also know there’s a lot of opportunity to get diverse voices representing our community in decision making – recently my daughter was involved in politics, although unsuccessful I think young voices like hers could make a big difference in the betterment of our community.

Other than this, I am happy with the life we have here – my wife runs a non-profit that allows us to connect with the local community over games and food and given my reference point of life is from countries that haven’t had access to facilities like we do, I am relatively satisfied.

Where is your favourite local place to spend time?

I don’t get bored when I am around nature, so some of my favourite places to spend time are Werribee South beach, Wyndham Harbour, Davis Creek and YouYangs.

Tell us something people would be surprised to know about you?

I think when people meet me and find out that I am an accountant, they might have a very stereotypical idea that I am only analytical and like numbers, but it could be surprising for them to know that I am also a, nature lover and enjoy spending my time capturing landscapes, wildlife especially native birds, sunsets and sunrises, and have a special affection for the capturing the moon. I have a very artistic and hands-on side, where I like to get involved in creative projects or building DIY things for our family home.