Tower troubles residents

Wyndham Civic Centre. Photo by Damjan Janevski. 255196_03

Wyndham council’s plans to grant a permit enabling the development and use of an Optus telecommunications facility in Hoppers Crossing has drawn opposition from residents.

Located at 599 Sayers Road, the proposed site is on privately owned land and was one of multiple location options presented to council.

A total of 30 objections were received, relating to the appearance of the tower, potential noise impacts, effects on the local environment, and residents’ perceived negative health effects.

At a planning meeting on April 12, ccouncillors heard from residents who voiced their concerns.

Jaspreet Singh said he was against the construction of the tower and he uses WIFi to solve poor reception issues.

“I don’t think there is any need for a mobile tower when everybody has their internet,” Mr Singh said.

“They [Optus] can use another company’s mobile tower, they can share with them as well.”

Council officers stated in a report to councillors that there were no suitable co-location opportunities and existing facilities were “simply too far away” to achieve the required improvements.

Other residents raised concerns about health impacts, despite confirmation from Optus that the tower complys with strict regulations that limit the exposure of the public to electromagnetic energy.

A spokesperson for Optus said investing in new networks was for the “benefit of our customers”.

“The health and safety of the community is our priority,” the spokesperon said.

“The new tower in Hoppers Crossing will increase the quality of coverage and capacity for residents and businesses across Wyndham City Council.”

Councillors voted to carry the motion and a Notice of Decision to Grant a Planning Permit will be issued.