Way out west photo comp is back

(Unsplash/Tom Pumford)

Entries have officially opened for Wyndham’s 7th annual youth photography competition and exhibition.

Way Out West invites local residents to enter their best photograph to go in the running to win one of six available prizes.

Deputy mayor Jasmine Hill said the competition is open to those aged between 12 and 25-years-old, who live, work, study or recreate in the municipality.

“Photography is such a creative and personal and emotional expression; and each

photo tells a story. This is a great way to do something productive, creative and

showcase their photography skills,” Cr Hill said.

“I’m so excited to see what young people in Wyndham can create with their cameras or their phones, and I encourage everyone to take part in this great competition. Who knows, it could even lead to a career in photography.”

Prizes are awarded for a number of different categories including, the image that best captures life in Wyndham, best landscape, best portrait, best black and white image, best use of colour and the overall grand prize winner.

Entries are open until 4pm, Monday, May 30.

Winners will be announced at a dedicated exhibition from 6.30pm, Thursday July 14, at Point Cook library.

The exhibition will feature the work of all entrants.

Cr Marcel Mahfoud said the competition granted residents the opportunity to gain recognition for their creativity.

“There are plenty of prizes up for grabs including $500 for the overall winner,” he said.

A series of free photography workshops will be taught at the Point Cook Library, hosted by photographer Anu Kumar.

details: www.wyndham.vic.gov.au/wayoutwest