UNIFORM features at Wyndham art gallery

Jenna Lee is one of 13 artists featuring their work in the UNIFORM exhibition. (Supplied)

Artist Jenna Lee says her family and heritage are always at the heart of what her work is trying to communicate.

Lee is a Gulumerridjin (Larrakia), Wardaman and KarraJarri Saltwater woman with mixed Japanese, Chinese, Filipino and Anglo-Australian ancestry.

Her art work will soon be featured at Wyndham Art Gallery as part of their newest exhibition, UNIFORM.

“I was drawn to be part of the UNIFORM show as often my work looks at how we use adornment to self-identity,” Lee said.

“I am showing a series I collaborated on with my younger sibling Mackenzie Lee which features 3 pinned and framed adornment works, made by me. With 3 poems written by Mackenzie. We were exploring identity, self-identification, and self-expression.”

UNIFORM explores the concept of uniforms within different societies, communities and cultures and examines how they conform and define us.

“When seeing the show I would love people to think about their own UNIFORM and adornment choices, to wear and show things you are proud of and that help you communicate important things about yourself or share messages you want to talk about.”

Wyndham council’s creative city portfolio holder, councillor Marcel Mahfoud, believes the show will challenge the way visitors consider the human body.

“It reflects the internal and external body, the landscape of the body, protection and defence of the body and the gendered body.

“This creative exhibition delves into our city’s rich cultural tapestry and highlights the varied and broad range of creative expression through clothing and adornment,” he said.

UNIFORM will run at the Wyndham art Gallery from 6.30-8.30pm between March 24 until May 15.

Fatima Halloum