Mango’s a video marvel

Mango Jones has a TikTok channel. (Supplied).

Meet one of the cutest residents of Tarneit, staffy cross Mango Jones.

Mango was adopted by Fiona and her family from the Lost Dogs’ Home during May 2020.

Fiona said that Mango was aged three years old when he came into their lives.

“He has been a huge source of laughter, entertainment and love during lockdown,” she said.

“He has a large personality and lets you know what he wants when he wants it, and will steal your bed or couch spot if you’re not fast enough especially if there is a blanket he can snuggle under.

“We live in Tarneit and he loves to go play at the dog park up near Presidents Park with the other dogs, and for the most part everyone loves Mango, but due to his breed we have had some negative interaction when out and about.”

Mr Mango has his own TikTok channel, with almost 400 followers.

Thousands of people have watched videos of Mango’s antics.
