Intersection upgrade in the works

Plans to upgrade the Point Cook and Sneydes Road intersection. (Supplied/Facebook/Jill Hennessy MP) 256779_01

The state government has announced works will soon get underway to upgrade the Point Cook and Sneydes Road intersection, under a $15.27 million project that will see traffic lights installed at the site.

Altona MP Jill Hennessy said this morning that the design of the intersection upgrade is being finalised.

As part of the works, Point Cook Road will be widened to allow for extra lanes.

Shared user paths will also be upgraded, and new pedestrian crossings and better lighting installed.

Crews will also widen Point Cook Road between Jamieson Way and Gramercy Boulevard – and new lanes created – to improve traffic flow.

The work will see four lanes installed for drivers entering the intersection from Sanctuary Lakes and three lanes for traffic coming from the other direction.

A second lane will also be created for traffic entering Sneydes Road, where crews will construct a new median island.

The release of the final designs comes as work is set to begin to relocate underground utilities at the intersection, which must be complete before major construction begins in mid-2022.

“This major upgrade will boost safety for road users, cyclists and pedestrians and improve in Point Cook and Sanctuary Lakes,” Ms Hennessy said.

“As these designs show, navigating this intersection will be made easier with traffic lights, lanes, and more accessible shared paths constructed as part of this project.

“Traffic often banks up at this intersection, creating congestion and delays for drivers, which is why we’re getting on with the job of improving traffic flow.”