By Alesha Capone
Wyndham council has expressed concern about how much ratepayers may have to fork out to introduce a four-bin system across the municipality, as required by the state government.
Implementing a four-bin system for every Wyndham household will cost about $91 million across 10 years, according to a a council report which released last week.
The report said this would include the provision of bins, their collection and the disposal of collected waste.
All Victorian councils will have to offer residents access to a four-bin service by 2030 under changes being introduced by the state government.
In addition to garbage and co-mingled recycling, this includes a separate glass service by 2027 and food and green organics by 2030.
The state government is offering $127 million in financial support for Victoria’s 79 councils to adopt to a four-bin collection service.
The funding is to help councils purchase new bins, improve drop-off facilities, deliver education campaigns and ensure that they have the infrastructure in place for the reforms.
Wyndham council is expecting to receive $1.7 million from the state government to assist in its four-bin roll-out.
Mayor Adele Hegedich said: “As a council, Wyndham is committed to waste diversion, but we are concerned about the cost to ratepayers.
“It will be critical to provide councils with funding and implementation support, as well as timeframes that enable appropriate infrastructure to be put in place.
“We look forward to more information on how this strategy will be rolled out, noting that service models will need to be tailored to meet different community needs.”
Details: vic.gov.au/recycling