Residents to hire a town planner

Wyndham city council approved the development, which attracted 28 objections. Photo by Damjan Janevski. 209276_03

By Alesha Capone

A group of Werribee residents concerned about a Wedge Street development have launched an online fundraising campaign to hire a town planner to argue their case at the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal.

The GoFundMe page has raised $1100 so far to help fight the construction of three double-storey units at 34 Wedge Street South, each with four-bedrooms and a single car garage.

The development, which attracted 28 objections about its impacts on neighbourhood character and heritage and increased traffic and on-street parking, was approved by Wyndham council in December.

Residents have appealed the council’s decision to VCAT.

A town planner has agreed to present on their behalf at VCAT for whatever amount they raise through the GoFundMe campaign.

The appeal is set for mediation in May and a hearing in August.

Residents Kristey Bradley and Neil Gilbee the plans for 34 Wedge Street South showed the three dwellings would look like “stacked shipping containers”.

“Our complaint isn’t with the developer, it’s more the council allowing the developer to put a development out of character with the area,” Mr Gilbee said.

Ms Bradley said she “was gutted” after finding out about the development, which residents would prefer to be single-storey and have a pitched roof rather than flat roof.

The existing house at 34 Wedge Street South will be demolished if the development proceeds.

The house has been listed in a review of gaps in Wyndham council’s heritage records, as part of a precinct “characterised by 1920s bungalows and 1930s houses”.

But the council has not yet formally recognised the house under a heritage overlay.

A town planning submission and compliance statement submitted to the council, along with the Wedge Street South plans, said that “the proposed development is generally consistent with the neighbourhood character”.

A Wyndham council spokesperson said: “As the matter is currently before VCAT, it would be inappropriate to comment further”.
