Wyndham council is urging residents exercise for 30 minutes every day, while social distancing to reduce the spread of COVID-19.
Wyndham’s sports development portfolio holder, Cr Peter Maynard, said it was important to keep active to support health and mental wellbeing.
“Council has developed a new website, Wyndham Together, and together with WynActive, we will show you easy ways to exercise and stay healthy, while keeping up social distancing measures,” Cr Maynard said.
“WynActive will deliver a diverse range of live fitness and sports programs, which will be available on-demand on the Wyndham Together website.
“You will have access to free online yoga and Pilates sessions, sports coaching drills, low impact chair-based workouts, and healthy nutrition tips, with a focus on supporting mental wellbeing.”
Cr Maynard said the council and WynActive social media pages would have new videos uploaded constantly.
“If you don’t like the internet, there are also plenty of other options to keep active. You can go for a walk or run – while adhering to social distancing measures – do exercises at home or enjoy a spot of gardening,” he said.
“Why not make the most of this time to increase your activity and keep your minds healthy and strong?”
See www.wyndhamtogether.com.au/ or www.facebook.com/WynActive/ for details.