The Hillier View: Election from a different angle

The Hillier view on the state election . . . it’s as easy as ABC.

We’ll all head to the polling booths on Saturday to cast our votes in the state election.

What a wonderful experience that will be for all concerned!

So let me share my thoughts from A to Z on this earth-shattering day.

Absentee voting: It might just be my favourite form.

Barbecue: Election snags are good.

Care factor: My favourite candidate, Vote 1 Couldn’t.

Denis, Dan or Donkey: Don’t know, don’t care.

End: At last.

F: The editor wouldn’t let me do this one, as it may upset the candidates.

Greens: I eat mine, but would I vote for them?

Hillier, Kevin Phillip: No, I haven’t voted anywhere else today. Are you insane?

Informal voting: An interesting alternative but a wasted protest.

Junk mail: Will return to fill my letterbox, thank goodness.

Kale: The most talked about Green, for very good reason.

Liberal or Labor: Truth is, there’s little difference.

Manure: By the truckload. If only we could sell it.

Normal: What our lives, news services and newspapers can return to.

Ordinary: A good description of the candidates and the entire campaign.

Parties: Yes, let’s have a Christmas one.
Queue: Ok for concert tickets and food. But to vote?

Result: Won’t be known for days.

Safe: What our seats are in the west. But not our jobs. (I had to do one serious one)

TV coverage: Thanks, but no thanks.

Urologist: Who I’d rather see than ‘T’.

Volunteers: I hope you’re being paid plenty.

Wyndham: What will change?

Xmas: Can’t come quickly enough.

You: Because your vote could make a difference!

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz: And good night.

■ If you have any news or events, let me know at