Wyndham councillors take stand against family violence

Three Wyndham councillors are leading by example and taking a stand against family violence.

White Ribbon Day ambassadors, councillors Peter Maynard and Peter Gibbons, and Cr Bob Fairclough, will make use of two events on Tuesday, November 25, to pledge to take action to help bring an end to family violence.

The first event will be a ‘leaders for change’ breakfast, where local business and community leaders will be encouraged to make similar commitments. Former police commissioner Christine Nixon will be the guest speaker.

The breakfast will be at the civic centre from 7-9am. To attend, visit www.wyndham.vic.gov.au/whiteribbonday.

Local leaders who are unable to attend the breakfast can text their pledges to 0427 541 357. Texts should begin with the code WRD2014 and pledges should be 60 words or less.

Alternatively, tweet pledges to Tweet@poll WRD2014 or make a pledge directly online at PollEv.com/htwyndham between 7am-11pm on the day.

The breakfast will be followed by a community event, run by the council, Victoria Police and the Wyndham Community and Education Centre, at which the councillors will be joined by White Ribbon Day ambassador and former councillor Shane Bourke.

The gathering at Wayaperri House, 106 Duncans Road, Werribee, will also provide people with a chance to nominate themselves as ambassadors. It’s from 10am to noon.

Latest police statistics reveal that Wyndham police received 639 reports of family violence between July 1, 2013, and June 30 – up from 560 reports the previous year.

Between 1999 and 2013, the rate of family violence reports in Wyndham doubled.