My Wyndham: Christine Williams, volunteer

Wyndham resident Christine Williams has been volunteering in the local community since 1978. “I’m passionate about people’s rights and needs,” she says. 

What’s your connection to the local community?

I’m a founding member of the Wyndham Disability Action Group and have been on the committee since the ’90s. We advocate and support people with a disability and their carers.

I’m also involved with the Salvation Army and have been a senior soldier for 10 years. I volunteer for them at Werribee Plaza on Mondays, running a friendship group, and Fridays manning the information kiosk and providing support to people who need it.

What do you like about Wyndham?

That anyone, regardless of their circumstances, can belong. The councillors are very accessible. We have a great local theatre at Wyndham Cultural Centre and I love to support it.

What would you like to change?

I’d like to see many more business premises in Wyndham CBD wheelchair accessible.

I’d also like to see Werribee railway station upgraded as there’s no lift and the ramps are steep, which is a nightmare for people in a wheelchair, the elderly or parents pushing a pram.

What do you remember being in Wyndham that’s no longer there?

There’s a different mix of people here now, it’s quite wonderful. I’m a migrant from war-torn Europe and it’s great to see people coming to Wyndham and bringing their culture and food and sharing it.

The area has also gone through enormous growth. I remember when I moved here and Werribee was known as a country suburb and now new suburbs are sprouting up everywhere.

What’s your favorite eatery or place to get coffee?

Tasty Gate in Werribee. They have home-made Malaysian food, which is great value for money, and they provide friendly service. Corinthians café in Hoppers Crossing is a lovely upmarket place with great coffee.

Share a funny story of being out and about in your neighbourhood?

On my 60th birthday in 2010, I was going to Werribee Plaza to do my volunteer work. I went to the bus stop and when the bus came I said ‘Hi’ to the driver and he put the ramp down for me. I mentioned to him it was my birthday and when I got on the bus everyone sang Happy Birthday to me. Then the driver drove off, but he forgot to pull up the ramp and it ripped off.