By Charlene Macaulay
Mercy Cup
Head down to Soldiers Reserve, College Road, Werribee, on August 4 from 2pm to see the Werribee Districts Football Club take on Wyndhamvale Football Club in the inaugural Mercy Cup. The event aims to raise money for an advanced hemostasis analyser for Werribee Mercy Hospital.
■ www.everydayhero.com.au/event/MercyCup
New community grant program
Community groups in Tarneit and surrounding suburbs have the opportunity to apply for cash grants totalling $10,000 thanks to a new community grant program run by Habitat on Davis Creek developers Satterley. Applications must be submitted by August 5.
■ www.satterley.com.au/habitat-tarneit
Lifestyle Market
The Lifestyle Market is back on August 4 from 10am-2pm at the Italian Sports Club Werribee, 601 Heaths Road, Werribee. Check out more than 40 stalls with everything from candles, crafts, plants, coffee, food trucks, sausage sizzle, gifts and free kids activities. Entry is free, and the market is all undercover.
■ thelifestylemarket@iscw.com.au
Community information session
The Department of Education and Training is holding an information session about Victoria’s government education system on August 6 from 6.30-8pm at Point Cook Senior Secondary School, corner Boardwalk Boulevard and Bergamot Drive, Point Cook. Parents and other members of the community interested in education are invited to attend.
■ 9340 3764 or 0403 869 232
Wyndham Vale parkrun
Wyndham Vale parkrun is a free weekly 5km timed run, jog or walk which takes place every Saturday from 7.45am, starting from Presidents Park, McGrath Road, Gate 3, Wyndham Vale. Register in advance by 6pm on the Friday before your first parkrun event.
■ www.parkrun.com.au/register or
Volunteers needed
The Multiple Sclerosis Community Visitors Scheme is seeking a Maltese-speaking female and an English-speaking male to join its program to visit an elderly lady and gentleman in aged care facilities in Werribee.
■ 9845 2729 or volunteer@ms.org.au