The Hillier View: Value our teachers

Who would want to be a school teacher? Thank goodness many still do have passion for a vocation that’s more scrutinised than ever before with its practitioners facing more pressure.

I  reflected on how hard the teaching job is when it was reported a local principal had allegedly banned girls from cross-country running amid concerns it might cause them to lose their virginity. Imagine being a teacher caught in between the students and your boss – a classic no-win situation.

Parents have become much more involved in school communities, something I’m sure has pluses and minuses. While parental participation is encouraged, some teachers have told me it does lead to complications they could do without. Parents are making the teachers more responsible for “little Johnny’s” results.

When my school marks went down, my parents questioned me. Now it’s more likely to be the teacher who is under the pump. Teachers leave an indelible mark on our lives, both good and bad. I well remember my year 8 history teacher whacking me with a steel ruler because I had been cheeky. I deserved to be punished but not physically attacked by an out-of-control adult. Imagine if that happened today. I also remember my German teacher getting me my first job in her brother-in-law’s business because she knew I had had a gutful of school and wanted to be anywhere else.

I  put this subject on Facebook and many friends recalled memories, good and bad. People scoff at the amount of holidays teachers get, but I think if I had to spend six hours a day in a room of 30 kids, I’d deserve every holiday and curriculum day going.

The pay is good but not earth shattering, yet the responsibility is enormous and the duties widespread. From directing cars in the school carpark, where I am sure they film World’s Worst Driver, to school camps and playground duties, it’s a big job. We trust them with our children. In return, we should value and respect them and always keep in mind that they’re human – though I’m not too sure about my old history teacher.

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