My Wyndham: Jamie Marloo, Sanctuary Lakes

Wyndham City is collecting stories from residents to help develop a community vision, build on Wyndham’s strengths and plan for challenges ahead. Sanctuary Lakes resident Jamie Marloo Thomas shared his story with the Wyndham 2040 team:

Where do you belong in Wyndham?

I’m a proud GunnaiKurnai and Gunditjmara man, so from an Aboriginal perspective I traditionally belong to the country of Gippsland and south-west Victoria. But my partner and I have been living in Sanctuary Lakes for almost two years now and we’re really enjoying it. The lake is our backyard – we love the tranquility of the water and the amazing bird life every day.

What is your favourite story about this place?

Aboriginal people have lived in this area for 60,000 plus years so I have been enjoying engaging with the traditional owners of the area to listen to all of their stories. I would encourage all Wyndham residents to do the same and make sure you ask about the creation story for the Werribee River, which is my favourite.

What do you hope Wyndham will be like in 2040?

I hope to see Wyndham embrace its rich and diverse Aboriginal culture from the past and the present, as well as the multitude of other cultures its residents bring to create a vibrant, cohesive and respectful community that shines brightly.

I would also hope that sustainability and caring for the environment are seen as a priority in all aspects of development.

Wyndham 2040

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