Time out for tea, friends and all for a great cause

Michelle Harvey has always enjoyed putting on morning teas for her friends.

So when the Wyndham Vale resident saw an advertisement for the Cancer Council’s Biggest Morning Tea a few years ago, she decided to sign up to host her own fundraiser.

Money raised at Biggest Morning Teas go to the Cancer Council to help with cancer research.

Morning teas are held around the country during May.

Ms Harvey said hosting a cuppa party just made sense.

“Everyone knows someone affected by cancer,” she said. “I like organising events and I wanted to help make a difference.”

Ms Harvey started out hosting a Biggest Morning Tea for friends at her home.

But after speaking to staff at the Wyndham Vale Community Centre last year, she decided to expand the event.

Last year’s morning tea at the community centre was attended by 110 people – significantly more than Ms Harvey expected – and raised $1500.

This year, she will be back at the centre for the 2015 Biggest Morning Tea challenge.

Ms Harvey says the event will include raffles, stalls and entertainment from local primary school and kindergarten pupils.

Biggest Morning Tea

Tickets, at $10, can be bought at the community centre, 86 Manor Lakes Boulevard, Wyndham Vale; or phone 0417 370 218.