Beyondblue’s big blue bus rolls into Wyndham again

Reducing the stigma of depression and anxiety and promoting good mental health is the aim of the journey as Beyondblue’s big blue bus rolls into Wyndham again this week.

As part of its 50,000 kilometre national roadshow, the bus will stop at Kelly Park in Werribee today, from 10am until 1pm, for a mini-health expo with information about depression and anxiety, local support services, live music and games.

The bus will then go to Manor Lakes shopping centre at Wyndham Vale tomorrow from 10am to 1pm.

Last Saturday, the bus was at Glen Orden Sports Club in Werribee for the Western Regional Football League ‘Blue’ match between Glen Orden and Sunshine Heights, before travelling to Williamstown, Altona and Spotswood earlier this week.

Beyondblue chief executive Georgie Harman encouraged people to join in and make a written commitment or goal to achieve to maintain good mental health.

“We’re nearing the end of our 16-month journey around Australia and have provided tens of thousands of people with information about depression, anxiety and where to get support,” she said.

“We’ve been overwhelmed by the honesty and courage of ordinary Australians sharing their struggles and heartened by the stories of hope and recovery. Getting people talking about mental health is an important first step in tackling these conditions.

“There’s no shame in asking for support and it’s important to seek help early.”

South Western Melbourne Medicare Local chief executive Gaylene Coulton said a community survey identified mental health as one of the major issues affecting Wyndham and Hobsons Bay residents.

“Depression and anxiety are growing concerns in our area and statistics indicate that men and young people in the Wyndham and Hobsons Bay region are experiencing higher levels of psychological distress than those in other regions of Victoria,” she said.

“The aim of these events is to reduce the stigma around mental health by fostering conversations and providing resources about issues many people in our community are facing and where to go to seek help.”