Wyndham residents urged to help make roads safer

Wyndham residents are being asked to share their thoughts on the city’s road safety issues in a bid to cut deaths and injuries.

A community consultation session will be held at Werribee on June 3 to help the TAC gather local knowledge about where road trauma is happening and find out what is likely to be most effective in reducing it.

Feedback will be used to shape a new road safety strategy and action plan being developed by the state government in a bid to continue reducing road deaths, which have fallen from 1061 in 1970 to 249 in 2014.

Residents are being asked to share their thoughts on key focus areas such as road features, vulnerable road users and risk-taking behaviour, which account for 95 per cent of road deaths in Victoria.

Western Metropolitan Region Labor MP Cesar Melhem said the consultation session would allow residents to tell the government what they thought would be the most effective ways to reduce death and serious injury on Wyndham’s road.

“This is your chance to tell us what you think, to make sure no more of your family, friends, neighbours or colleagues are killed or seriously injured on our roads,” he said.

“Road trauma has a devastating effect across our community so we need to tackle it together.”

The consultation session is at the Werribee Racing Club, Bulban Road, Werribee from 6pm. To attend, register at www.towardszero.vic.gov.au