The Supporting Senior Drivers Expo is an initiative designed to keep older drivers on the road by updating them about important information on road safety, driving while on prescribed medications and road laws, as well as checking driving technique and vehicle safety.
The free event will take place on Saturday, June 13, at Hobsons Bay Civic Centre, Altona.
Staffed by experts, the event offers each participant a driving assessment by a qualified driving instructor, roadworthy checks and a free Senior Drivers Expo pack.
Advice from professional VicRoads roadworthy officers will provide information on how to regularly update vehicles and keep cars in a roadworthy condition.
Jim Giddings, chairman of road safety advocacy group RoadSafe Westgate, is committed to keeping older drivers on the road longer.
“Everyone can be better drivers with a few simple changes, like keeping up with new road laws, making sure their health is as good as can be and getting rid of bad driving habits,” he said.
Morning tea and a light lunch will be supplied at the expo.
Senior Drivers Expo, 9.45am-2.30pm, June 13, Hobsons Bay Civic Centre, Altona