Healthy Together Wyndham: On fresh path to health

Herb and vegetable gardens are popping up on nature strips and in front yards at Point Cook.

The plantings are part of an innovative new project driven by Point Cook resident Miwako Okumura, with the help of Healthy Together Wyndham.

Ms Okumura’s group SHARE (Sustainable Happy Association for Resident Engagement) received a $4000 grant to fund an Eat My Garden project, which will encourage locals to eat fresher, healthier food, hone their gardening skills and get to know their neighbours.

The project, which also involves the Werribee Men’s Shed and Western Melbourne Catchment Network, will support people in the Carranballac College Boardwalk area to grow fresh herbs and vegetables in their front yards or nature strips.

Ms Okumura hopes the project will help residents connect with one another.

“In Point Cook, there are many new people who are too busy to even get to know their next-door neighbour,” she said.

“Eat My Garden can give them an opportunity to connect with each other and have conversation.”

Participants are provided with a garden bed set, including soil and plants.

“We will eventually have a gathering, inviting the garden bed owners and their neighbours to share the harvest,” Ms Okumura said.

Community wellbeing portfolio holder, Cr Bob Fairclough said the plan was a “really clever idea” that made a lot of sense.

“Many people living in Point Cook are time-poor as they’re busy working, may have a long commute and are raising a family.

“That makes fast food an attractive option,” he said. “But thanks to Ms Okumura’s project, more Point Cook people will soon have access to very fast and very healthy food, just outside their front door.

“It’s a lot cheaper and more nourishing than any drive-through,” Cr Fairclough said.

“And it’s supporting the wider community to make healthier choices.”

Eat My Garden adheres to Wyndham council’s nature strip landscaping guidelines, which means planting nothing taller than 500 millimetres, including frames and pickets, and having no pavers.

Details: 9742 0777 or

Healthy Together Wyndham is a joint initiative of Wyndham council and the state government and is supported by Wyndham Star Weekly.

Click here for more details.

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