Red Shield Appeal: Residents urged to help Salvation Army

Wyndham residents are being urged to volunteer their time to help out the Salvation Army during this year’s Red Shield Appeal.

The annual appeal helps the Salvation Army run its social programs and activities, including homelessness and domestic violence support services.

In Wyndham, the Salvos are hoping to raise $75,000.

Last year, the city’s residents donated close to $63,000 to the appeal.

Around Australia, it’s hoped that this year’s appeal will raise $74 million.

Wyndham Salvation Army captain Lance Jeffrey said the money would make a big difference to people in need, especially as the Wyndham branch had had its federal government funding cut by $5000.

“The alarming thing is that there’s a huge increase in demand for services but diminishing funding.

“We turn away 12 to 20 people a day,” Mr Jeffrey said. “What we have got to work out is whether we reduce the number of people we support or reduce the level of support we offer.”

He said more volunteers were needed to knock on doors and collect money at shopping centres, train stations and key intersections during the appeal from May 25-31.

Anyone who can help out is asked to phone 9741 7359.