Isolated elderly residents in Wyndham can remain connected to the outside world thanks to a team of volunteers making regular phone calls to check in on them.
The Wyndham Seniors Register, a partnership between the council and Victoria Police, provides support for elderly people by providing daily, weekly or monthly phone calls.
The calls, made by volunteers from the Wyndham North police station, offer support and social contact and allow residents to flag any concerns they may have about crime in the area.
Leading Senior Constable Amma Bridgeman, of the Werribee proactive policing unit, said the calls were often the only connection to the outside world for elderly residents.
“Some people live alone and have limited contact with their next of kin,” she said. “This service allows them to have regular contact.
“If they’ve got things they want to talk about, they’re given that opportunity. The conversations can last for an hour or just a few minutes.
“Many of the volunteers form a close bond and connection with the people they’re ringing.”
Council disability, ageing and inclusion portfolio-holder Michele Wharrie said the register, in operation since 2009, had been a great resource.
“It’s reassuring for the elderly community to have regular contact through these calls,” she said. “It’s also good to keep them informed in times of impending storms or heatwaves, just to let them know to stay inside and take care of themselves.”
Cr Wharrie said it was important for elderly residents to know that all information on the register was confidential.
People aged 65 or older interested in receiving calls, or anyone knowing someone who is isolated and would appreciate support, can call 9742 9497.