Has your pet lost their bounce?

Winter is often a time we notice pets becoming a bit stiff in the mornings or slowing down on walks.

Dogs and cats can suffer from arthritis, also known as degenerative joint disease. Arthritis is common in older pets but also affects younger animals, especially after a joint injury. It can usually be managed successfully but there is no cure.

Weight loss is essential if your pet is overweight as obesity is a major risk factor. Regular gentle exercise is important to maintain joint mobility and muscle tone. Warm, padded bedding will help with joint comfort.

We see fantastic results in pets given regular injections of the drug pentosan polysulphate, which helps lubricate joints.

Specialised joint diets and nutritional supplements such as glucosamine and chondroitin can also be of benefit.

So brave the cold and visit your vet if arthritis is an issue for your beloved pet.