Winter pet care

Just like their owners, pets may slow down a little during winter.

RSPCA chief veterinarian Andrew Byrne has some advice on how to help pets stay healthy in the colder months.

He says there are many things we can do to help keep our pets happy, healthy and comfortable during the cooler weather.

Some pets are especially susceptible to cold weather, so they should be allowed indoors where possible. This is especially important for small pets such as rabbits and guinea pigs.

If indoors is not an option, it is crucial that your pet has an adequate shelter outside that will keep it warm and dry.

Use lots of blankets, towels or straw as bedding and make sure that your pet’s bed is elevated off a cold floor.

Winter coats are another great way to keep your pet warm, but they must be well-fitted and kept dry.

It is crucial that pets always have access to fresh, clean water in order to stay hydrated.

Staying warm during winter uses more of your pet’s energy, so a nutritional diet is very important.

Exercise is crucial in keeping your pet happy and healthy and can also help to maintain joint mobility. Going for a walk is a great form of physical and mental stimulation for your dog.

Keeping your pet entertained during winter may require some creativity. Ensuring your pet has an enriching environment will help to avoid unwanted behaviour caused by boredom. Consider reward-based trick-training to stimulate your pet’s mind.