Recycling trial in the front seat

A trial which recycles children’s car seats has arrived in Wyndham.

The RACV is part of the trial, which is being led by Equilibrium, an environment and sustainability management company.

The RACV’s road user behaviour manager Rebekah Smith said there was a responsible way to dispose of potentially unsafe child car seats.

Ms Smith said many people passed on or sold their old child car seats – some of which no longer adhered to Australia’s safety standards.

Others simply threw them out.

Ms Smith said an estimated 200,000 child car seats were disposed every year, with the majority sent to landfill – despite the fact that at least 90 per cent of materials in a car seat were recyclable.

Ms Smith said the Equilibrium trial provides a free and environmentally-friendly option to drop off disused car seats to be recycled.

“This new program offers a responsible solution to dispose of potentially unsafe child car seats,” Ms Smith said.

Seats and capsules can be dropped off at the Wyndham City Refuse Disposal Facility, 420 Wests Road, Werribee, Victoria.

The used car seats will be disassembled on-site.

See for details.