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Lovestruck frogs on song at Carranballac College

Throaty love calls are being heard all over Wyndham as male frogs serenade females during the breeding season. Residents are being asked to record the...

East Werribee: Thinking smart on water for homes, businesses

The proposed East Werribee precinct will be the first employment and residential area in Victoria to use stormwater and rainwater for non-drinking purposes, according...

Stamp of approval for MacKillop College’s Celina Harrower

Celina Harrower is one of five designers vying to have their commemorative stamps produced for next year’s G20 Summit. The year 11 MacKillop College student...

Fat-cat boot camp’s not on for plus-size pets

Being a fat cat is not what it is cracked up to be, with experts warning that molly-coddled moggies face serious health risks. With their...

East Werribee: Call suburb Cameron, says Werribee resident

Wyndham’s newest suburb should be called Cameron, after the scientist who established the State Research Farm more than 100 years ago, according to a...

East Werribee: Call suburb Cameron, says Werribee resident

Wyndham’s newest suburb should be called Cameron, after the scientist who established the State Research Farm more than 100 years ago, according to a...

Tricky surgery for tiny growling grass frog at Werribee

All creatures great and small come to Melbourne University’s Werribee veterinary hospital, but an injured, endangered growling grass frog posed special problems for surgeons...

Labor factions covet new Werribee seat for state election

The partner of a prominent union boss heads a list of prospective Labor candidates before next year's state election. Labor Party factions are due to...

Cr Bob Fairclough elected as Wyndham mayor

Wyndham councillors have chosen a first-time mayor to lead them through the next year, electing Cr Bob Fairclough to the position on Wednesday night. Harrison ward’s Cr...

Wyndham councillors slash expense claims in past year

Wyndham councillors have claimed just under $77,000 in expenses in the past year, considerably down on previous years. The 11 councillors spent $30,195 on equipment, including...

Fun and learning in the water for all at Werribee pool

Scott, 4, is making a splash in a program for indigenous children at a Werribee pool. Swim 4 All’s indigenous class allows participants to learn...

Wyndham spy saga: Vote of no-confidence in CEO

More than 100 staff at Wyndham council have unanimously passed a vote of no-confidence in chief executive Kerry Thompson. Australian Services Union members gathered at...

Learning and laughter earns Woodville teacher a gong

Sean Stanek believes learning should be a fun experience. The Woodville Primary School teacher carefully plans each of his lessons to ensure there are plenty...

Werribee racecourse: Sparrows, trainers, horses start day at dawn

In the early morning, when frost is still icing the grass, multimillion-dollar thoroughbred horses from around the world find comfort in the sandpits and tracks...

Former cop sworn in as Shane Bourke’s replacement

Former police officer Michele Wharrie has been selected to fill the vacancy left by the resignation of five-time Wyndham mayor Shane Bourke. Mr Bourke resigned...


Sutton extends contract with United

Matt Sutton has signed a two year extension for Western United amid his standout season in goal in the A-League Men. He has contributed immensely...