Boundary Road safety upgrade

By Esther Lauaki

Stop signs will be installed at the intersection of Boundary and Davis roads in Tarneit and line markings revamped in a bid to improve safety.

Wyndham mayor Mia Shaw said changed traffic patterns across the municipality had directed more traffic on to Boundary Road in recent months.

“We know that motorists are concerned about safety along this road, particularly at the intersection of Davis Road,” Cr Shaw said.

“That’s why we’re taking immediate action towards an interim solution. We commissioned a road safety audit along this road and will now begin to implement changes over the next two weeks.

“Motorists will notice new lines painted along the road to clearly guide motorists where they should be driving. This will prevent drivers going near the edge of the pavement, particularly at Davis Road.

“The existing give way signs will be replaced with stop signs and additional advanced warning signs will be installed along Davis Road to advise motorists of the appropriate driving behaviour at the intersection to ensure safety.”

She said additional guideposts aimed to direct and protect motorists would be installed to provide better traffic delineation at the intersection.

“Any maintenance defects, including potholes that were identified in the audit, have been forwarded to council’s maintenance team. While recent reductions in speed limits and upgraded signage at this intersection are welcome changes, the ultimate solution is the widening and signalisation of the intersection.

“Unfortunately, this is not something that can be implemented overnight.

“These works require complex relocations of utility services, land acquisitions and design works.

“We will continue to work alongside the Department of Transport and other stakeholders to see this intersection upgraded.”
